Alla Klymenko

Alla Klymenko is a co-founder of the Upgrade educational project, a psychologist, and an educator. She is a well-known Ukrainian expert on happiness and wellbeing, dedicating over 12 years to studying and teaching these subjects. Her programs have attracted over 30,000 in-person participants and over 150,000 online participants, covering various topics such as personal growth, self-esteem, happy life, wellbeing, motivation, goal-setting, resilience, and mindfulness.

As a co-founder and main trainer of the largest Eastern European self-improvement summer camp, Upgrade Yourself Camp, Alla provides guidance and training. She is also the author of several self-improvement bestselling workbooks and inspirational journals, including Happy Me Journal, Thank You Diary, and Dream Year book. She hosts the Alla and Happiness YouTube channel, where she shares motivational speeches and conducts interviews with renowned experts in the field of happiness and wellbeing.

Alla is a resident of WOHASU, and through this event, she initiated two free projects aimed at providing psychological support and building resilience for Ukrainians. These projects have garnered the participation of over 70,000 individuals. Notable speakers in these projects include Martin Seligman, Tal Ben-Shahar, Karen Guggenheim, Steven Pinker, Tayyab Rashid, Michael Steger, Robert Biswas-Diener, Arthur Brooks, and other prominent researchers in positive psychology, happiness, and wellbeing.