exploring positive team dynamics with the team flow canvas and team flow monitor

DATE: Sunday, 22nd July 2023
COST: $275 USD for attendees, $195 USD for students
LOCATION: Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre

Flow is the experience when we’re fully immersed in an activity, coupled with a motivated and energetic focus. At the team level, members experience flow together while performing mutually dependent tasks that serve the overarching goals of the team. Expanding upon this in prior research, team flow has been defined as a shared experience of flow during the execution of interdependent personal tasks in the interest of the team, originating from an optimized team dynamic that can be divided into prerequisites that promote it and experiential characteristics that describe the experience itself. Because of this distinction between the prerequisites that enable team flow and the characteristics that define the experience of team flow, it is interesting and important for those hoping to spark team flow to better understand how to create a work environment in which all of the prerequisites are present. Building on almost 15 years of academic and applied research, FlowConcepts has designed and tested a Team Flow Canvas in combination with the scientifically validated Team Flow Monitor as a set of tools to help teams effectively establish the prerequisites for team flow on a consistent basis in order to benefit from the positive experiences and enhanced performance of team flow. The Team flow Canvas helps team members set up a foundation for the positive team dynamics that ignite team flow experiences, and the Team Flow Monitor empowers team members to reflect on the prerequisites and experiential characteristics of team flow. Taken together, these tools allow team members, leaders, and coaches to quickly identify and work through the challenges that may be inhibiting team performance and effectively bring the team to a level of thriving and synergy that lead to high team performance. In this workshop, participants will learn about team flow and how to use both tools.

  • Jef J.J.J. van den Hout

    Eindhoven University of Technology
    Eindhoven, Netherlands